Serving Key Sectors Across the Electric Power Industry
Our team of expert consultants helps a range of clients understand, forecast, and plan through uncertainty and regulatory challenges with clear strategic insights and proven analytics.
We provide thorough, straightforward, and independent insight to a wide range of sectors, entities, and professionals within the electric power industry.

Electric Utilities
Whether you are focused on reducing the carbon footprint of your portfolio, adjusting your generation mix to reduce risk and improve your position versus competitors, or planning your transmission system for diverse resource integration, including intermittent resources, we provide in-depth, thoughtful insights, forecasting, and strategy that keeps you in-front of an ever-changing market and regulations that frame it.
We help electric utilities develop successful and cost-effective strategies that meet customer and regulatory needs while protecting their bottom line.

Project Developers
Electric power and transmission developers are looking for an accurate representation of their assets so they can make informed decisions in the context of the markets. nFront helps power project developers, whether those projects are resources, energy storage, or transmission, better understand their asset risks by assessing local, regional, market, cost, and lost revenue risks. We specialize in providing our clients with up-to-date understanding of market and industry conditions in every Regional Transmission Organization and Balancing Authority across the country, through the use of security-constrained economic dispatch (“SCED”) modeling, fuel and demand forecasts, new entrants, and a consistent pulse on industry trends and regulatory changes.

Financial Sector / Investors
Banks, investors, and other power project financiers manage their risks in part through independent insight into how their assets can be expected to perform. nFront provides critical due diligence covering interconnection, transmission service, nodal pricing, congestion/basis/curtailment, and other market risks. Through keeping a pulse on the industry, continuous power system model updates, cutting-edge modeling capabilities, attention to detail, and carefully listening to our clients’ challenges, nFront provides power market and transmission system insights to keep the financial sector and investor clients in front of market uncertainty and potential risks.

Power Industry Stakeholders
Planning, strategy, and the development and implementation of resources and programs involve many interested parties. Power industry stakeholders depend on the independent thinking of respected experts for decisions, whether they be policy decisions, siting support, regulatory or market support, or rate decisions. nFront provides cutting-edge, “gold standard” expertise, insights, and objective analysis to successfully guide your organization.